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Clortetraciclina CAS:57-62-5

Clortetraciclina is a broad-spectrum antibiotic belonging to the tetracycline class, commonly used in veterinary medicine to treat bacterial infections in livestock and companion animals. It is effective against a wide range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, making it a versatile tool for managing various bacterial diseases. Clortetraciclina works by inhibiting protein synthesis in bacteria, thereby preventing their growth and multiplication. This antibiotic is available in different formulations such as powders, injections, and oral solutions for easy administration to animals. Clortetraciclina is a trusted choice for veterinarians and animal producers seeking effective treatment options for bacterial infections.

Product Detail

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Application and Effect:

In product use, Clortetraciclina is utilized in the livestock industry to treat and prevent bacterial infections in animals. It is commonly used to address respiratory infections, enteric diseases, and skin infections in livestock such as cattle, pigs, and poultry. By administering Clortetraciclina as directed by a veterinarian, farmers can effectively control bacterial diseases and promote animal health. The antibiotic's broad spectrum of activity and ease of administration make it a valuable asset in livestock management practices. Additionally, Clortetraciclina is used in companion animals to treat conditions like urinary tract infections, respiratory infections, and dermatitis. When used responsibly and in accordance with veterinary guidance, Clortetraciclina can help improve animal welfare and ensure the successful treatment of bacterial infections in both livestock and companion animals.

Product Sample:


Product Packing:


Additional Information:

Composition C22H23ClN2O8
Assay 99%
Appearance white powder
CAS No.  57-62-5
Packing Small and bulk
Shelf Life 2 years
Storage Store in cool and dry area
Certification ISO.


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