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Dynasore CAS:304448-55-3

Dynasore is a small molecule inhibitor of dynamin, a GTPase essential for clathrin-mediated endocytosis. With the molecular formula C23H30N2O4S, it is characterized by its ability to selectively inhibit dynamin function, thereby interfering with the membrane fission process during endocytosis. This property makes dynasore a valuable tool in cell biology research, enabling scientists to study the roles of endocytosis in various cellular processes and disease mechanisms.

Product Detail

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Application and Effect:

Dynasore plays a crucial role in cell biology and pharmacological research due to its unique ability to inhibit dynamin-mediated endocytosis. By disrupting the function of dynamin, which is vital for the scission of clathrin-coated vesicles from the plasma membrane, dynasore allows researchers to investigate the physiological and pathological processes influenced by endocytic pathways. One of the primary applications of dynasore is in the study of receptor signaling and trafficking. Inhibiting dynamin provides insights into how different receptors are internalized and how their signaling activities are regulated in response to various stimuli. This can have important implications for understanding diseases associated with dysregulated signaling pathways, such as cancer and neurodegenerative disorders. Additionally, dynasore is used extensively in studies involving viral entry into host cells. Many viruses utilize endocytic mechanisms to enter cells, and by inhibiting dynamin, researchers can explore how viruses like HIV, influenza, and others exploit these pathways. This could lead to the development of novel antiviral strategies aimed at blocking viral entry. Dynasore also assists in the examination of nutrient uptake, particularly for studying the endocytosis of transporters and other membrane proteins responsible for absorbing essential nutrients. By inhibiting endocytosis with dynasore, researchers can elucidate the mechanisms regulating nutrient absorption, which has implications for metabolic disorders and nutritional science. Furthermore, in drug delivery systems, dynasore is employed to understand how nanoparticles and therapeutic agents interact with cellular membranes. This knowledge aids in the design of more effective drug delivery vectors that can overcome cellular barriers by manipulating endocytic pathways. In addition to its experimental uses, dynasore serves as a valuable teaching tool in educational settings, helping students learn about cellular processes, endocytosis, and the impact of small molecules on biological systems. While dynasore is a powerful tool for research, caution should be exercised when using it, as prolonged inhibition of dynamin may affect cellular homeostasis. Overall, dynasore is an essential compound in the toolkit of cell biologists, facilitating advances in our understanding of cellular dynamics and paving the way for new therapeutic approaches.

Product Sample:

Amino acid powder1
Amino acid powder2

Product Packing:

Amino acid powder3
Amino acid powder4
Amino acid powder5
Amino acid powder6

Additional Information:

Composition C23H30N2O4S
Assay 99%
Appearance white powder
CAS No.  304448-55-3
Packing Small and bulk
Shelf Life 2 years
Storage Store in cool and dry area
Certification ISO.


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