The Belt and Road: Cooperation, Harmony and Win-Win


L-2-Aminobutyricacid CAS:1492-24-6

L-2-Aminobutyric acid is a naturally occurring amino acid with the molecular formula C4H9NO2. It belongs to the family of proteinogenic amino acids and is an essential component in various biological processes. This compound is commonly found in proteins and peptides, contributing to their structural and functional properties. L-2-Aminobutyric acid also plays a role in neurotransmission and metabolic pathways within the human body.

Product Detail

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Application and Effect:

L-2-Aminobutyric acid has diverse applications across different fields, including: Nutritional Supplements: It is used in the production of dietary supplements and sports nutrition products due to its potential benefits in supporting muscle growth and recovery. Pharmaceuticals: L-2-Aminobutyric acid serves as a building block for the synthesis of pharmaceutical compounds, particularly in the development of drugs targeting neurological disorders and metabolic diseases. Cosmetics: This compound is utilized in cosmetic formulations for its skin conditioning properties and potential anti-aging effects, contributing to the skincare industry. Biomedical Research: Researchers employ L-2-Aminobutyric acid in studies focusing on neurotransmitter function, brain health, and metabolic regulation, aiding in understanding various physiological processes. Food Industry: It finds applications in food flavorings and additives, enhancing the taste profiles of certain food products and acting as a precursor in flavor synthesis. Chemical Synthesis: The compound is utilized in organic synthesis for creating novel molecules and studying chemical reactions, contributing to advancements in synthetic chemistry methodologies. Agricultural Applications: In agriculture, L-2-Aminobutyric acid is used in plant science research to understand plant metabolism and stress responses, potentially improving crop yield and resilience. In summary, L-2-Aminobutyric acid demonstrates versatility in its applications, ranging from nutritional supplements to pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. Its significance extends to various industries and scientific disciplines, highlighting its role as a valuable compound in biotechnology, healthcare, and research endeavors.

Product Sample:

Amino acid powder1
Amino acid powder2

Product Packing:

Amino acid powder3
Amino acid powder4
Amino acid powder5
Amino acid powder6

Additional Information:

Composition C4H9NO2
Assay 99%
Appearance white powder
CAS No.  1492-24-6
Packing Small and bulk
Shelf Life 2 years
Storage Store in cool and dry area
Certification ISO.


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