The Belt and Road: Cooperation, Harmony and Win-Win


  • 2,6-Dichloronitrobenzene CAS:601-88-7

    2,6-Dichloronitrobenzene CAS:601-88-7

    2,6-Dichloronitrobenzene is an aromatic compound featuring two chlorine atoms and one nitro group attached to a benzene ring. Its chemical formula is C6H3Cl2N O2, and it belongs to the family of chlorinated nitrobenzenes. This compound is primarily used in organic synthesis as an intermediate for producing various pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and dyes. The presence of both chlorine and nitro groups enhances its electrophilic reactivity, making 2,6-dichloronitrobenzene a valuable building block in developing more complex molecules. Research continues to explore its applications and the environmental implications of its use.

  • Iodotrimethylsilane CAS:16029-98-4

    Iodotrimethylsilane CAS:16029-98-4

    Iodotrimethylsilane (TMSI) is a versatile organosilicon compound with the molecular formula C3H9SI, characterized by the presence of three methyl groups attached to a silicon atom, along with an iodine substituent. This compound serves as a valuable reagent in organic synthesis, particularly for introducing iodine functionality into various organic substrates. Its ability to facilitate nucleophilic substitutions and transformations of alcohols and amines makes it an important tool in both academic research and industrial applications. Iodotrimethylsilane’s unique reactivity profile continues to be explored for innovative methodologies in synthetic chemistry and material science.

  • Pyridine hydrobromide CAS:18820-82-1

    Pyridine hydrobromide CAS:18820-82-1

    Pyridine hydrobromide is a derivative of pyridine, a six-membered aromatic heterocycle containing one nitrogen atom. It is commonly encountered in the form of its hydrobromide salt, where pyridine is protonated by hydrobromic acid. This compound, often represented as C5H6BrN, is utilized as a reagent and catalyst in various chemical reactions, particularly in organic synthesis and medicinal chemistry. Pyridine hydrobromide plays an essential role in the preparation of pyridine derivatives and other nitrogen-containing compounds, making it valuable in both industrial applications and academic research.

  • 6-Chloro-5-(2-chloroethyl)oxindole CAS:118289-55-7

    6-Chloro-5-(2-chloroethyl)oxindole CAS:118289-55-7

    6-Chloro-5-(2-chloroethyl)oxindole is a synthetic compound that belongs to the oxindole class of molecules, which are known for their diverse biological activities. The presence of chlorine substituents at specific positions enhances its chemical reactivity and influences its pharmacological properties. This compound has garnered attention in medicinal chemistry for its potential applications in drug development, particularly as a scaffold for designing therapeutics targeting various diseases. Its structural features allow for modifications that may enhance efficacy or selectivity, making it a promising candidate for further exploration in pharmaceutical research.

  • 2-Amino-5-bromopyrimidine CAS:7752-82-1

    2-Amino-5-bromopyrimidine CAS:7752-82-1

    2-Amino-5-bromopyrimidine is a halogenated pyrimidine derivative characterized by an amino group at the 2-position and a bromine atom at the 5-position of the pyrimidine ring. This compound, with the molecular formula C4H4BrN3, has garnered attention in medicinal chemistry due to its potential as a building block for synthesizing bioactive molecules. The presence of both the amino and bromine functional groups enhances its reactivity, making it suitable for various chemical transformations. Research into 2-amino-5-bromopyrimidine focuses on its applications in drug development, particularly in creating compounds with antimicrobial and anticancer properties.

  • 1,3,5-Trifluorobenzene CAS:372-38-3

    1,3,5-Trifluorobenzene CAS:372-38-3

    1,3,5-Trifluorobenzene is a fluorinated aromatic compound characterized by three fluorine substituents positioned at the 1, 3, and 5 locations on a benzene ring. This compound is significant in organic chemistry due to the unique properties imparted by the fluorine atoms, including enhanced chemical stability and altered polarity. It serves as a versatile building block in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and advanced materials. The presence of fluorine also influences molecular interactions, rendering 1,3,5-trifluorobenzene valuable in various research applications, particularly in areas focusing on drug discovery and materials science.

  • 2,4-Difluorobenzylamine CAS:72235-52-0

    2,4-Difluorobenzylamine CAS:72235-52-0

    2,4-Difluorobenzylamine is an aromatic amine featuring two fluorine atoms positioned on the benzene ring at the 2 and 4 locations. This compound is notable for its unique chemical properties imparted by the fluorine substituents, which enhance both lipophilicity and reactivity. As a versatile building block in organic synthesis, 2,4-difluorobenzylamine plays a crucial role in the development of pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and advanced materials. Its ability to participate in various chemical reactions makes it valuable in medicinal chemistry, where it is explored for potential therapeutic applications.

  • (S)-(+)-3-Chloro-1,2-propanediol CAS:60827-45-4

    (S)-(+)-3-Chloro-1,2-propanediol CAS:60827-45-4

    (S)-(+)-3-Chloro-1,2-propanediol is a chiral organic compound distinguished by its two hydroxyl (-OH) groups and a chlorine atom. This compound serves as an important intermediate in organic synthesis, particularly in the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries. The specific stereochemistry of the (S)-(+)-enantiomer enhances its reactivity and biological properties, making it valuable for producing enantiomerically pure derivatives. Research continues to explore its diverse applications, ranging from drug development to functional materials, underscoring its relevance in both academic and industrial settings.

  • (R)-(-)-3-Chloro-1,2-propanediol CAS:57090-45-6

    (R)-(-)-3-Chloro-1,2-propanediol CAS:57090-45-6

    (R)-(-)-3-Chloro-1,2-propanediol is a chiral organic compound that serves as an important intermediate in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals. Its unique structure features two hydroxyl groups and a chlorine atom, making it a versatile building block for various chemical transformations. The specific stereochemistry of the (R)-(-)-enantiomer contributes to its reactivity and biological activity, allowing for the development of enantiomerically pure products. Ongoing research focuses on its applications in drug synthesis and as a potential precursor for other functionalized compounds, highlighting its significance in both medicinal chemistry and material science.

  • (S)- (+)-Oxiran-2-ylmethyl- 3-nitrobenzenesulfonate CAS:115314-14-2

    (S)- (+)-Oxiran-2-ylmethyl- 3-nitrobenzenesulfonate CAS:115314-14-2

    (S)-(+)-Oxiran-2-ylmethyl-3-nitrobenzenesulfonate is a chiral epoxide compound featuring an oxirane ring and a nitrobenzenesulfonate group. This compound has garnered interest in organic synthesis due to its unique reactivity, primarily attributed to the strained three-membered epoxide ring, which is highly susceptible to nucleophilic attack. The specific stereochemistry of the (S)-(+) enantiomer provides distinct advantages in asymmetric synthesis, enabling the production of enantiomerically pure compounds. Research continues to explore its applications in medicinal chemistry and materials science, highlighting its potential as a versatile intermediate for synthesizing pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals.

  • (S)-(+)-Epichlorohydrin CAS:67843-74-7

    (S)-(+)-Epichlorohydrin CAS:67843-74-7

    (S)-(+)-Epichlorohydrin is a chiral organic compound and an important building block in organic synthesis, known for its versatile applications in the production of epoxy resins, pharmaceuticals, and agrochemicals. Characterized by its three-membered epoxide ring and a chlorine atom, this compound exhibits significant reactivity due to its electrophilic nature. The enantiomerically pure form, (S)-(+)-epichlorohydrin, is of particular interest in asymmetric synthesis, allowing for the development of enantiomerically enriched products. Research continues to explore its utility and mechanisms, contributing to advancements in both industrial processes and medicinal chemistry.

  • 2,4,5-Trifluorobenzyl alcohol CAS:144284-25-3

    2,4,5-Trifluorobenzyl alcohol CAS:144284-25-3

    2,4,5-Trifluorobenzyl alcohol is a fluorinated aromatic compound with significant applications in pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals. The presence of three fluorine atoms at the 2, 4, and 5 positions on the benzene ring enhances the compound’s chemical stability and lipophilicity, making it an important building block in organic synthesis. Its unique properties allow for modifications that can lead to the development of new therapeutic agents. As research into fluorinated compounds continues to grow, 2,4,5-trifluorobenzyl alcohol is being explored for its potential in drug discovery and material science, highlighting its relevance in modern chemistry.