The Belt and Road: Cooperation, Harmony and Win-Win


  • 1,4-Dihydroxyanthraquinone CAS:81-64-1

    1,4-Dihydroxyanthraquinone CAS:81-64-1

    1,4-Dihydroxyanthraquinone, also known as alizarin, is an organic compound belonging to the anthraquinone family. Its molecular formula is C14H8O4, characterized by a central anthraquinone structure with hydroxyl groups attached at the 1 and 4 positions. This compound is of significant interest due to its vibrant color and ability to form complexes with various metal ions. 1,4-Dihydroxyanthraquinone has found applications in dye production, particularly in textiles, and serves as an important intermediate in organic synthesis, pharmaceuticals, and analytical chemistry.

  • 2,6-Dichlorobenzaldehyde CAS:83-38-5

    2,6-Dichlorobenzaldehyde CAS:83-38-5

    2,6-Dichlorobenzaldehyde is an aromatic compound with the molecular formula C7H4Cl2O. It features a benzaldehyde functional group (-CHO) attached to a benzene ring that has chlorine substituents positioned at the 2 and 6 positions. This dichlorinated aromatic aldehyde is significant in organic synthesis and serves as an important intermediate in the manufacture of agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, and specialty chemicals. The presence of both the aldehyde and chlorinated groups contributes to its reactivity, making it useful in various chemical transformations, including electrophilic substitutions and condensation reactions.

  • 2-Cyanobenzylchloride CAS:612-13-5

    2-Cyanobenzylchloride CAS:612-13-5

    2-Cyanobenzylchloride is an organic compound characterized by the presence of both a cyanide and a chlorobenzyl group. Its molecular formula is C8H6ClN, featuring a benzene ring with a cyano (-CN) group at the ortho position and a chloromethyl (-CH2Cl) group. This compound serves as a versatile intermediate in organic synthesis, particularly in the fields of pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals. The unique arrangement of functional groups allows for various chemical transformations, making it valuable for the development of biologically active compounds and other specialty chemicals.

  • 1,2-Diethoxybenzene CAS:2050-46-6

    1,2-Diethoxybenzene CAS:2050-46-6

    1,2-Diethoxybenzene, also known as o-diethoxybenzene, is an organic compound characterized by a benzene ring with two ethoxy (-OCH2CH3) groups attached at the ortho position. Its molecular formula is C10H14O2. This compound is notable for its unique structure, which imparts distinct chemical properties and reactivity patterns. 1,2-Diethoxybenzene finds applications in organic synthesis, particularly in the preparation of more complex molecules. Its ability to participate in various reactions makes it a valuable intermediate in the development of pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and other specialty chemicals.

  • 2,6-Dichlorobenzaldehyde CAS:83-38-5

    2,6-Dichlorobenzaldehyde CAS:83-38-5

    2,6-Dichlorobenzaldehyde is an organic compound with the molecular formula C7H4Cl2O. It consists of a benzene ring that features two chlorine atoms at the 2 and 6 positions and an aldehyde group (-CHO) at the 1 position. This colorless to pale yellow liquid possesses a distinctive odor and is primarily used as an intermediate in organic synthesis. Its unique structure enhances its reactivity, making it valuable in producing pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and various fine chemicals. The presence of chlorine atoms imparts interesting electronic properties, which contribute to its applications across multiple industrial sectors.

  • 4-(Chloromethyl)benzonitrile CAS:874-86-2

    4-(Chloromethyl)benzonitrile CAS:874-86-2

    4-(Chloromethyl)benzonitrile is an organic compound with the molecular formula C8H7ClN. It consists of a benzonitrile framework where a chloromethyl group (-CH2Cl) is attached to the para position of the aromatic ring. This compound exhibits both nitrile and halogen functionalities, making it a valuable intermediate in organic synthesis. It is particularly useful in pharmaceutical development, agrochemical production, and the formulation of various specialty chemicals. The unique combination of functional groups allows for a wide range of chemical transformations, facilitating the preparation of diverse derivatives with potential biological activities.

  • Chlorosulfonyl isocyanate CAS:1189-71-5

    Chlorosulfonyl isocyanate CAS:1189-71-5

    Chlorosulfonyl isocyanate (CSI) is a versatile chemical compound with the formula ClSO₂NCO. It features a sulfonyl group and an isocyanate functional group, making it an important reagent in organic synthesis and industrial applications. CSI is primarily used in the production of various chemicals, including herbicides, pesticides, and pharmaceutical intermediates. Its reactivity allows for the introduction of sulfonyl and isocyanate functionalities into organic molecules, enabling the formation of diverse compounds. Due to its potential hazards, safe handling procedures are essential when working with chlorosulfonyl isocyanate in laboratory and industrial settings.

  • Tris(trimethylsilyl)phosphate CAS:10497-05-9

    Tris(trimethylsilyl)phosphate CAS:10497-05-9

    Tris(trimethylsilyl)phosphate (TMSP) is a chemical compound with the formula [(CH₃)₃SiO]₃PO, consisting of a phosphoric acid derivative where three trimethylsilyl groups are attached to the phosphate moiety. This organophosphorus compound serves as a versatile reagent in organic synthesis and analytical chemistry. Its unique structure enhances its solubility in organic solvents and allows for its use in various applications, including the protection of hydroxyl groups in synthetic pathways and as a coupling agent in polymer chemistry. TMSP also plays a role in the preparation of siloxane-based materials, showcasing its importance in modern chemical research.

  • Maleic acid CAS:110-16-7

    Maleic acid CAS:110-16-7

    Maleic acid, also known as cis-butenedioic acid, is a dicarboxylic acid with the molecular formula C₄H₄O₄. It is a colorless, crystalline solid that is soluble in water and has a distinctive sour taste. Maleic acid is primarily used in the production of various chemicals, including polymers, resins, and surfactants. Its unsaturated structure allows for specific chemical reactions, making it a valuable building block in organic synthesis. Furthermore, maleic acid has applications in agriculture as a herbicide and in food processing as an acidulant, highlighting its versatility across different industries.

  • Fludarabine Phosphate CAS:75607-67-9

    Fludarabine Phosphate CAS:75607-67-9

    Fludarabine phosphate is a synthetic nucleoside analog of adenosine, primarily used in the treatment of hematological malignancies such as chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. It works by interfering with DNA synthesis and repair, ultimately leading to apoptosis in rapidly dividing cancer cells. Administered intravenously or orally, fludarabine phosphate exhibits immunosuppressive properties, making it effective in certain conditions but also necessitating careful monitoring for adverse effects. Its introduction represented an important advancement in chemotherapy, providing a targeted approach that has improved outcomes for many patients with specific blood cancers.

  • o-Toluic acid CAS:118-90-1

    o-Toluic acid CAS:118-90-1

    o-Toluic acid, also known as ortho-toluic acid, is an aromatic carboxylic acid with the molecular formula C₈H₈O₂. It features a methyl group and a carboxylic acid group attached to adjacent carbon atoms on a benzene ring, which provides distinct chemical properties and reactivity. This compound exists as a colorless solid and is soluble in organic solvents. o-Toluic acid serves as an important intermediate in the synthesis of various chemicals, including dyes, pharmaceuticals, and agrochemicals. Its unique structure and functional groups facilitate numerous reactions, making it valuable in both industrial and laboratory settings.

  • Glycinonitrile hydrochloride CAS:6011-14-9

    Glycinonitrile hydrochloride CAS:6011-14-9

    Glycinonitrile hydrochloride is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C₂H₄ClN₃, consisting of a glycine derivative that incorporates a nitrile functional group. This white crystalline solid is known for its potential applications in organic synthesis and medicinal chemistry. Glycinonitrile can serve as a versatile building block in the synthesis of various biologically active molecules, including pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals. Its unique properties make it an attractive candidate for further research and development, particularly in the design of compounds with specific pharmacological activities.